

Bing Tang Hu Lu

BingTangHuLu is one of the most interesting chinese traditional snacks. 
It was created by Han nationality. People string wild fruits on a bamboo string then dip it in malt sugar. The malt sugar will quickly harden when it met wind. So the sugar will coated the fruits.

It is a really common snack in north of China. It taste sweet also sour. Sweet is the cover sugar, and sour is the fruit. Also, it’s cold, like an ice-cream.

It is said, in Song dynasty the emperor GuangZong, his most beloved Huang GuiFei was ill. She didn’t eat anything and become sallow and emaciated. The doctors in the palace tried all the ways to help her, but all not effected. The emperor saw his wife became more and more sick. He became sad all day long too. One day, a man comes into the palace and said he knows how to help the Huang GuiFei. He said: “ As long as we rock candy and haws together, and give it to her everyday before each meal to have five or ten pieces. We only need half of a month, then she will be better.” The emperor asked people to try it immediately, and after they tried the way Huang Gui Fei was duly recovered. Ordinary people heard about the story, they want to thank this man so they made this kind of food as Bing Tang Hu Lu.

People like this taste, so they make it different flavors right now. They made it in Haw, strawberry, banana, orange, jujube, cashew, also green bean paste. People also mix it like a colorful and pretty fruit ice bar.

