

Different breakfasts in the world

Did your mom always tell you breakfast is very important? She is right, a good breakfast will give you an energetic start of a day. Today, let’s talk about different breakfasts in different countries.

Japanese people usually have Natto miso soup poured on rice, they love rice and miso soup, also they will have a cup of green tea after breakfast.

 Swedes usually have single chip sandwich for breakfast. They are coated with a thin layer of butter on two slices of bread, put on the ham, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and Fried eggs.

In China, people prefer to have porridge for breakfast. This is simple and comfortable. So many other Asian countries likes porridge as breakfast too. People can eat ordinary rice gruel; also they can put some meat inside foam or squid.

In Burma breakfast is usually a bowl of Fried rice, sticky, sprinkled with some cooked beans. The delicious breakfast is named Kaut nyin paung ". In addition, the Burmese people eat the breakfast, also with fish, and then they will drink a cup of green tea.

Finland breakfast is usually a hearty bowl of oatmeal in combination with milk, fresh berries and some butter.

 Malaysian breakfast is more complicated; they mix coconut rice, cucumber, anchovies, roasted peanuts, eggs and chili sauce to make their breakfast.

Khichdi is a traditional breakfast in India; it is a mixture of rice, lentils, and pepper. Usually, people will use Khichdi with Fried eggplant, oil-based pickled vegetables and yogurt. It seems really good.

Moroccan people use lamb and a lot of traditional spices and condiments to make their breakfast. The name of it is "target". Usually, people eat “target” as dinner, then the rest of it will continue to be the breakfast.


So start say Yes to your breakfast and enjoy!

