


Hi everyone ~

I'm Bella. A young girl from China. Welcome to my blog.

In my first post, I'd like to introduce myself briefly. I came from China and right now I'm studying in USA. I studied Drama directing in my undergraduate school.The center of drama university.
Our school is focus on training drama talents.So when I was in school I had a lot of opportunities to perform on the stage.

Right now I'm doing my graduate degree in America. I left my country, my home,my old life, my friends and came to a new country to start my new life.
I believe if you have dreams, and try your best to go for it. People can have a wonderful life in anywhere.
I want use this blog to meet more friends also share interesting informations with you. So this is me, if you interested in acting, directing, movie, music,traveling,food or any other things. Let's start sharing!

